Automated Robotics
Today, automated robotic systems are fundamental in manufacturing. Recognizing the effectiveness of robots and robotic process automation, SAC embraced innovation and developed a variety of automated robotic systems to cater to the needs of diverse industries.
As experts in innovative engineering, we seamlessly combine robotics and automation, creating efficient solutions. Our approach starts with the development of overall software standards and architecture, facilitating open interfaces for data exchange. The process is enhanced by our proprietary technology that rapidly generates Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programs and Human-Machine Interface (HMI) visualizations.
What is a collaborative robot? The utilization of automated robotic systems, specifically collaborative robots, in manufacturing started when manufacturing processes became more intricate and precise.
What is the role of a collaborative robot in this scenario? Collaborative robots allow human involvement at any point in the process, combining the thoughtful decision-making of humans and the consistent performance of automated robotic systems.
Robotic Arms
Robotic arms are advanced automation systems designed to enhance factory operations.
These versatile machines can perform various tasks, from picking and placing items to organizing inventory. Robotics take the rote, repeatable, and menial tasks away from your human labor force while increasing productivity and lowering operational costs. By implementing robotics, you add value to the work performed by traditional labor.
Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR)
AMRs are the solutions to reduce labor costs, improve throughput, and increase safety within facilities.
AMRs achieve these feats by transferring products and packages from one location to another, removing the need for humans to walk through the facility. Especially in highly trafficked fulfillment centers & production. They also remove the costliest aspect of fulfillment – walking.